Jan 28, 2014

Mamafrica 2014 Photoshoot!

I had a blast shooting some new items from the Democratic Republic of Congo with my dear friend, Ashley, yesterday! She runs an amazing non-profit that provides "ealing arts programs, education and economic opportunity for women in the Democratic Republic of Congo, to foster self-empowerment, community and sustainability, ultimately resulting in generational CHANGE." Mamafrica is determined to fulfill these goals by creating a unique holistic approach to change! Below are some photos from yesterday's shoot. Go to Mamafrica Designs to check out these amazing items supporting amazing Congolese women!




  1. So cute! Miss ya, gal. Let's do a hangout + shoot soon... my hell month is almost over!!!

    1. thanks rachel! i miss you too! and yes, we totally should. i was just talking to sean about doing a shoot soon. love ya!
